"David Brunner's music is lyrical, fresh-sounding and always creative.  His music is a favorite with the choir as well as the audience!"

Lynne Gackle
School of Music
Baylor University

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The World Comes to Newfoundland

I had the great fortune of attending the inaugural HarborVOICES International Festival of Collective Singing Traditions in St. John’s, Newfoundland in June --  an incredible week of performances, sessions, and collaborations that brought together forty-four choirs from around the world. What a unique opportunity to hear the Philippine Madrigal Singers, Vancouver Youth Choir, Inuksuk Drum Dancers, World Youth Choir, M’anam (men’s ensemble from Ireland) and Jacob Collier all in the same place! Gratitude to the Artistic Directors, staff, directors, singers and volunteers that made this week possible.  (And Newfoundland's craggy coasts, rocky beaches, balsam forests, rivers, waterfalls and lakes are gorgeous!)




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