The Road Home

Friday's concert with the University of Central Florida's choirs was a memorable one -- and my last with them. The program featured some of my favorite works by James Mulholland, Frank Ticheli and Daniel Kallman, Lukas Foss' Behold! I Build An House (which was on my first concert program at UCF), Steven Sametz' short but exquisite I Have Had Singing and the premiere of David Dickau's The Rose of Midnight, written for this occasion. And a few of my own pieces. It all centered on the theme of traveling the road, taking the journey, being on the path, going home (and was a happy coincidence that the concert occurred on St. Cecilia’s Day, the patroness of musicians!) A huge thank you to my students, friends and colleagues Kelly Miller and Robin Jensen, and the many UCF choir alums and friends who attended, for the beautiful music, surprise tributes, and well wishes.
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