Congrats Dr. Miller!
Kelly Miller has completed her DMA at Michigan State University and has begun her college teaching career in choral music education at Western Illinois University. Her dissertation on David Brunner's Music for Women's Choirs focuses on three of my treble works that are musically, textually and emotional appropriate for more advanced women’s choirs. ALL I WAS DOING WAS BREATHING, I THANK YOU GOD FOR MOST THIS AMAZING and PAINTED MEMORIES are discussed in detail with regard to text, emotional content, stylistic features and vocal challenges, and her thorough examination of all of the treble works brought an informed perspective to the study. I spent enjoyable hours with Kelly in person, on the phone and via email about this music and my composing life and found it interesting, informative and enlightening – especially having to name aspects of the process that are intuitive for me. It’s a bit odd to read about myself in this scholarly context, but a distinct honor. Thank you and congrats Dr. Miller!
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