"David Brunner's music is lyrical, fresh-sounding and always creative.  His music is a favorite with the choir as well as the audience!"

Lynne Gackle
School of Music
Baylor University

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Festival of Lights

The Mississippi College Singers, under the direction of James Meaders, sang an exquisite first performance of SHALL I SILENT BE at the 25th anniversary of the Festival of Lights in Provine Chapel this weekend.  The commission honored founding director Richard Joiner, who was also in attendance for the premiere. This lovely Neo-Grecian chapel was finished in 1860 and was used during the Civil War by General Ulysses Grant who quartered his horses on the ground floor, while his wounded soldiers were treated in the "hospital" upstairs.  It is beautifully preserved and in frequent use.  My short visit with the singers in rehearsal was gratifying, as I witnessed joyful singing, full of strength and spirit.  Thanks and appreciation to all for a wonderful evening and memorable first performance.


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