"David Brunner's music is lyrical, fresh-sounding and always creative.  His music is a favorite with the choir as well as the audience!"

Lynne Gackle
School of Music
Baylor University

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Winter Changes

The Fairfield County Children's Choir chose Winter Changes as the title of its concert on Sunday in Bridgeport, Connecticut, an afternoon full of music performed by its five choirs, under founding director Jon Noyes and his staff.  The choirs joyfully sang a huge variety of pieces, including seven of mine, from YO LE CANTO to the first performance of SPIRITUAL MUSICK, the Chorus America commission for thirteen young choirs from across the U.S., Canada and Scotland.  I had the opportunity to lead A SONG TO END ALL WAR to open the concert and WINTER CHANGES with all three hundred children near the end.  I rarely have the opportunity to hear so many pieces on one concert and thank Jon and everyone at the FCCC for this tribute and a memorable afternoon in Connecticut!

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