"David Brunner's music is lyrical, fresh-sounding and always creative.  His music is a favorite with the choir as well as the audience!"

Lynne Gackle
School of Music
Baylor University

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Weekend in Charleston

Just back from Charleston, South Carolina, where I spent the weekend with Eric Wilkinson's top choirs at Wando High School --  talented students singing beautiful music by Randall Stroope, Eric Barnum, Frank Ticheli, Joan Szymko... and David Brunner!  Eric's Bella Voce group will be featured at the southern division ACDA convention in Jacksonville next spring and should deliver a wonderful performance.  While in Charleston I had incredible food at Xiao Bao Biscuit (the chicken wings with broad bean, chili and sichuan peppercorns were a standout!), Butcher and Bee (Israeli shakshuka, kimchickles and fries with hollandaise -- yes, all of it), Black Tap coffee (Charleston's best) and CO Vietnamese (can't beat the Laksa curry). 


The Montford Inn

My short trip to Norman, Oklahoma, was for a one day in-service workshop Friday with teachers in anticipation of the All-City 5th Grade Chorus this October. I've been in Normal several times before and admire the work of these teachers and this spectacular event for 1,000 area children. It's always memorable and really BIG! The other memorable thing about visiting Norman is the comfort of the Montford Inn, a wonderful B&B whose genuine hospitality I have always enjoyed. Thanks, Sandy Knudson, for inviting me back!


Rocky Mountain High

I had a fantastic time in the Mile High City at the Colorado ACDA Summer Conference in July and was happy to be in the company of fellow presenters Brad Ellingboe and Anton Armstrong.  Thanks to president Bill Richardson for superb planning, Sue Wilkinson for her expert facilitation of the honor choir (including Starbucks and local dark chocolates on the director's stand!), and Linda for beautiful collaborative work at the piano.  The singers were extremely well-prepared, polite, and engaged through three days of rehearsal and their "informance" at the conclusion of the conference was inspiring.

While in Denver I enjoyed contemporary tacos at Pinche Tacos, Native American fry bread at Tocabe, and an incredible noodle experience at the counter of Uncle.  We extended our stay and took off the next day for the mountains with yorkies Wally and Ellie.  Grand Lake was... well Grand (a beautiful vacation setting with properties for sale!), an unexpected afternoon hailstorm dramatic, the alpine area of the Rocky Mountain highway stunning, and the jacket weather and hot chocolate at the top perfect for a July afternoon!


Together Again at CME

It was a joy to return to Doreen Rao's Choral Music Experience at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin in July.  I've been a part of CME many times in the US and UK and always enjoy the collaboration with good friends and colleagues and the great spirit among the participants.  Sandra Snow and I presented DON'T GO, the new movement in my cycle of Mirabei's Ecstatic Songs, which she had premiered with her Women's Ensemble at Michigan State University this spring.  It is the second in a planned cycle of five movements, on texts by 15th century Indian mystic Mirabei.  I also presented a session on some of my recent works and enjoyed dinner with Sandra and Doreen, Lee Kesselman, Bill Buhr and Rupert Lang.  In addition to a focus on my music, there was also music of contemporary Canadian composers (Rupert among them) and a celebration of Britten's 100th birthday.


Many Languages One Voice

I was pleased to be part of the Orlando Liturgical Conference Many Languages One Voice this weekend.  Together with music directors and choral singers, we explored "Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Choral Rehearsal", "Working with Young Singers", and a three hour pre-conference session on finding comfort and confidence in our singing voice.  A great time full of joy and laughter!